Software Developer
April 2023 — Present

  • Develop and maintain the Cost Management service for IBM Cloud, helping users better understand the costs associated with the services they are looking to deploy on their accounts.
  • Work closely with cross-functional teams, including product managers, designers, and developers, to align on optimal UI designs for service pricing, as well as synchronize development and deployment efforts accordingly.
  • Create complex Terraform configurations to spin up cloud infrastructure and perform software installation onto it with Ansible.
  • Create robust continuous integration and delivery pipelines using a GitOps approach.
  • Automate and optimize processes using orchestration and containerization tools, like Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes with Helm templating.
  • Write and maintain documentation and internal runbooks.
  • Facilitate sprint planning, daily stand-up meetings, and backlog refinement.
  • Troubleshoot and quickly resolve critical issues in all environments while on call.

DevOps Engineer
January 2021 — April 2023

  • Implement and set up the infrastructure for different IBM Cloud services to utilize in development, test, and production environments using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) in Terraform.
  • Design and implement robust and complex pipelines to support the lifecycle of critical services offered by IBM Cloud.
  • Automate and optimize processes using orchestration and containerization tools, like Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes with Helm templating.
  • Work closely with other development teams to enable a continuous integration environment, making sure the applications are healthy and resilient.
  • Implement tools and microservices for automated deployment and monitoring of multiple environments. These services are often developed in either Python or NodeJS.
  • Troubleshoot and quickly resolve critical issues in all environments while on call.

Teaching Assistant
January 2017 — December 2019

Guided junior and senior Computer Science students through the course material in order to successfully complete their weekly (or bi-weekly) assignments. I thoroughly explained topics that students found challenging and provided continuous feedback on design and implementation improvements to solutions proposed. I have taken on this role for the following courses:

  • Programming Workshop I and II (C++)
  • Software Quality Assurance (C++, Java)
  • Web Development (Javascript, MongoDB)
  • Survey of Computer Science Research Topics & Methods

Web Administrator
September 2014 — December 2014

The International Office provides support for student exchange, visiting scholars, faculty mobility, and international partnership and program development.

  • Oversaw the international students' University Health Plan (UHIP) program, which covers 25% of the student population at the institution.
  • Helped oversee programs for international visitors (scholars, delegations, partners) as well as international, exchange and Science Without Borders students at the university.
  • Maintained the International Student Office website through the university's internal CMS platform.
  • Aided in event logistics and general program execution.

Assistant Web Administrator
May 2014 — August 2014

The International Office provides support for student exchange, visiting scholars, faculty mobility, and international partnership and program development.

  • Designed and maintained the International Student Office website through the university's internal CMS platform.
  • Helped oversee programs for international visitors (scholars, delegations, partners) as well as international, exchange and Science Without Borders students.

  • Docker

  • Git


  • Graph Databases


  • Go

  • Java

  • Javascript

  • Jenkins

  • Kubernetes


  • NoSQL Databases


  • Python


  • Relational Databases

    (PostgreSQL, MySQL)

  • Terraform

  • Web APIs

    (REST, GraphQL)

  • Cloud Computing

    (IBM Cloud)

MSc in Computer Science
September 2017 — May 2020
Thesis research area: Automatic fault localization in multithreaded programs.
Advanced Topics in Software Design
Machine Learning
Modern Database Systems
BSc in Computer Science (Hons.)
September 2013 — April 2017
Big Data Analytics
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Mobile Devices
Multicore and Manycore Programming
Operating Systems
Web Application Development
CFLASH: Concurrency Faults Localized Automatically using Search Heuristics

Automatic fault localization tool for multithreaded Java programs. CFLASH utilizes a combination of noise-based code injection and a heuristic search algorithm to identify potentially faulty code sections containing concurrency bugs.

Mentor-Mentee Matching System

Web-based platform for a matching system between mentors and mentees for the Peer Mentorship Program at Ontario Tech. The system matches them by faculty according to their compatibility using a set of survey answers from both parties. The output is a set of formed peer-mentoring groups.

Distracted Driver Detection

Trained a deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to predict with 99.4% accuracy whether an individual is driving distracted as well as what type of distraction is involved. The VGG16 CNN model, pre-trained on ImageNet, is coupled with a retrained fully-connected model and tested on previously unseen distracted driver images.

Jupyter Notebooks
Threaded Paws

Serious game that can assist students in learning different concurrency concepts and pitfalls, such as thread interleavings, data races, starvation and deadlocks. Threaded Paws was designed for second to fourth-year Computer Science and Software Engineering university students at the undergraduate level.

Unity Game Engine

Mobile application that records and keeps track of statistics about any given car trip. It uses a bluetooth connection to the vehicle in order to provide trip information and other live data visualizations to the user such as current speed and throttle. We used a local SQL database and other APIs, like Google Maps and OBDII Java.

Android Studio
extracurricular activities
Director of Graduate Studies
November 2018 — April 2020

The Ontario Tech Student Union a not-for-profit organization that represents the student body at the university.

  • As part of its Board of Directors, my responsibility is to act as the unified voice for the graduate students I represent, ensuring their best interests are always considered and kept in mind.
  • In the Winter 2020 term, I was part of the Hiring Committee, for which I gave my input on the candidates for the position of Vice-President of Student Life.

Program Representative for Computer Science
September 2017 — May 2019
Ontario Tech Graduate Student Council

The Graduate Student Council is a student-led society on campus for graduate students. The council focuses on the student experience of students in graduate programs and serves as a bridge between them and other administrative offices at the institution. As a program director, I was closely involved in the planning and execution of all events, marketing, meetings, and advocacy for all graduate students.

Vice-Chair and Senior Mentor
May 2018 — September 2018

Mentored the transitioning team, making it possible to continue with our mission on campus once I graduated. I oversaw and managed all of the chapter's administration, including social and academic events, workshops, budget and marketing. As part of our plan to rebuild the chapter's presence on campus, I also created a website for us to facilitate communication with our members.

Founding Chair
September 2016 — December 2016

As the principal officer of the chapter, I was responsible for leading the team and managing its activities in accordance with the mission of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). As such, we:

  • Provided academic and professional support to students in all STEM programs at the university.
  • Held regular events and workshops as opportunities for networking, mentoring between new and senior students.
  • As a women's ACM chapter, we actively advocated for minority groups in STEM fields.

September 2015 — April 2016
Ontario Tech ASME Student Chapter
  • Manage all general and executive meetings logistics, attend and record minutes.
  • Maintain all club documents and records, including meeting minutes and finance ledgers.
  • Administer the chapter's website, as well as assisted on the planning and execution of all events by the club and collaborative ones with other groups.
Panellist and Logistics Volunteer
February 2019

Open to girls in grades 7-11, Go Code Girl programs are designed to introduce them to the wide range of career possibilities available in the fields of technology, computing and engineering. As a panellist at this event, I was available to address the students' and parents' questions regarding my personal experience as a woman in a STEM program at a post-secondary institution.

The Women for STEM program was created to encourage success of women students in STEM fields with the goal of increasing gender parity in such careers. To achieve this, the plan is to provide mentorship opportunities, scholarships, and to celebrate the achievements of women university. For the launch event of the program, I was chosen to represent the student body to talk about my personal experience as a woman in STEM at Ontario Tech.
International Student Orientation Leader (ISOL)
August 2018

ISOLs are specially trained Orientation Leaders focused on supporting incoming international and exchange students through their new arrival and transitional needs.

The Festival is a celebration of linguistic and cultural diversity on campus and features student-led exhibitions and presentations of language and culture. I helped with different areas of the event, including setting up, registration, overseeing the music, among other miscellaneous tasks.

Mentor and Judge
December 2017

MLH Local Hack Day is a 12 hour hack day on the school's campus that brings together the local hacker community to celebrate building technology. As a mentor, I had the opportunity to offer the hackers my support in terms of ideas, development workflow, and resources. Then, I joined the judging panel to choose the top 3 hacks according to their creativity, applicability, and learning outcomes.

honours & awards
Dean's Graduate Scholarship
September 2018, September 2017
Awarded to high-achieving full-time students in a research-based master's or doctoral program who maintain an average of A- (3.70/4.30) or greater.
Dean's Honours List
April 2017, December 2015

Students in clear standing with a semester GPA of 3.5 to 3.79 on at least 80 percent of a full course load at the end of a semester will receive the designation Dean's Honours List on their transcripts.

President's Honours List
December 2016, August 2016

Students in clear standing with a semester GPA of 3.8 or higher on at least 80 percent of a full course load will receive the designation President's List on their transcripts.

Spanish (native)
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English (fluent)
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French (basic)
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