Distracted Driver Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning

Predicting the likelihood of what the driver is doing in each of the pictures in the dataset.

Try it with your own image!

Detecting Distracted Drivers

The objective of this work is to successfully predict the likelihood of what a driver is doing in each of the pictures in the dataset1.

The data consists on a set of images, each taken in a car where the driver is doing some action (e.g. texting, talking on the phone, doing their makeup). These are some examples:

The images are labeled following a set of 10 categories:

Class Description
c0 Safe driving.
c1 Texting (right hand).
c2 Talking on the phone (right hand).
c3 Texting (left hand).
c4 Talking on the phone (left hand).
c5 Operating the radio.
c6 Drinking.
c7 Reaching behind.
c8 Hair and makeup.
c9 Talking to passenger(s).

Running the Code


Command-line Execution

1: This dataset is available on Kaggle, under the State Farm competition Distracted Driver Detection.